Leaders Guide

Builder #11: Motivational Intelligence (Meeting Agenda)

This meeting agenda is organized into 3 parts. As the facilitator, you can choose to use 1, 2 or all 3 parts of this agenda based on the time you want to allocate and what you want to accomplish with the group.

  • Golden Nuggets (builds team cohesion)
  • Topical Conversations (reinforces specific concepts)
  • Application (drives changes in behavior)

Part 1 - Golden Nuggets

What were your golden nuggets from our last conversation? (Go around the room, each person picks the next to share.) What were your golden nuggets from listening to Builder #11? They could be concepts or takeaways, relevant stories or experiences — from your life or someone else’s. (As people share golden nuggets) Do any examples or experiences of that come to mind?

Part 2 - Topical Conversations

One of the topics discussed was _______. What were your thoughts about this? What examples of this principle in action come to mind?

From a Scarcity Mentality to an Abundance Mentality:
  • How can we make this shift? Why is it important that we do?
  • Be unrealistic, remove the governors from our dream machine
  • Abundant thinking limits competition — most people don’t aim high, so there’s less competition
Be the Change:
  • How can we hold each other accountable to walking the walk? How can we be a support system for each other?
  • “The rate of the pack is always determined by the pace of the leader”
  • Imagine it, plan it, act on it
  • Why not you? Why not us?

Part 3 - Application

  • How do the concepts discussed in this builder apply to what we do as a team?
  • How do the concepts discussed in this builder apply to your individual roles?