
The Motivational Intelligence Builder Series

Here are some things The Motivational Intelligence Builder Series can help you crystalize for a greater sense of clarity and direction. Each step has a 30-60 minute coaching session to listen to, and a framework to complete.

  1. Things you really want to be, do and have
  2. Mental barriers that are holding you back
  3. Personal themes that will make you more happy + successful
  4. Feedback loops that will help you improve
  5. Areas of opportunity you can take advantage of

The Power to Create (Builder #1)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #1 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: Create a list of all the things you want to be, do and have.  This is an idea phase, so write down as many as you can.  With this exercise, there is no such thing as a bad idea – there is no such thing as too big a dream. It’s important to write down what we want in life with no filter and no judgment.

Unlimited Potential (Builder #2)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #2 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: Create a list of all of your successes – things you’ve learned, skills you’ve mastered, milestones you’ve achieved, goals you’ve accomplished. With this exercise, there is no accomplishment too small to write down – the more, the better. It’s important to continuously take stock of how far we’ve come.

Developing a Success System (Builder #3)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #3 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: Create a list of the people, places and things where you can get constructive feedback.  These sources of information are critical to achieving your personal vision.  For each feedback loop, include a description of how this source of information will be valuable to you.  Feedback is the breakfast of champions, we must actively seek it.

Mentoring Magic (builder #4)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #4 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: Create a list of the positive and negative influences in your life. Who are the people, activities or commitments that give you the most energy + happiness? Who are the people, activities or commitments that reduce your energy and bring about negative emotions?

Fear is My Friend (Builder #5)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #5 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: It’s important to face your fears. But before we can do that, we must define them. Complete the grid below to define the fears that are holding you back, and reduce their power over you by creating contingency plans.

Builder #6: The Trained Eye

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #6 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: What themes are you noticing so far? Think about yourself — what you like, what you want, what’s holding you back. Think about the world — what successful people have in common, how you can model their success.

Affirmations (Builder #7)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #7 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: Open up the hood and optimize your mind. Choosing a few ‘chambers’ of your mind, write out the affirmations that currently exist in each. Then write out the optimal affirmations that will make you happier, healthier and more successful.

Visualization (Builder #8)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #8 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: Using the power of visualization, it’s time to crystalize a cohesive vision for your life. Reflect on the steps you’ve completed so far, visualize how they all come together and write a descriptive narrative for what you want your life to look like.

The Power of Goal Setting (Builder #9)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #9 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: Now let’s get specific. In order to realize the vision you have for your life, what are some long term goals you must accomplish?

Abundant Success through Change (Builder #10)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #10 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: With change always comes opportunity – and change is constant. Write down a list of changes happening in the world around you. Include next to each, note the opportunity this change presents, and how you can take advantage of it.

Motivational Intelligence (Builder #11)

Pre-Work: Listen to Builder #11 under “Motivational Intelligence Builder Series” in Mojo

Exercise: Write down a list of people + communities you can use as a support system to realize your vision. These should be positive, helpful and knowledgeable people with your best interest at heart.