Leaders Guide

Builder #4: Mentoring Magic (Meeting Agenda)

This meeting agenda is organized into 3 parts. As the facilitator, you can choose to use 1, 2 or all 3 parts of this agenda based on the time you want to allocate and what you want to accomplish with the group.

  • Golden Nuggets (builds team cohesion)
  • Topical Conversations (reinforces specific concepts)
  • Application (drives changes in behavior)

Part 1 - Golden Nuggets

What were your golden nuggets from our last conversation? (Go around the room, each person picks the next to share.) What were your golden nuggets from listening to Builder #4? They could be concepts or takeaways, relevant stories or experiences — from your life or someone else’s. (As people share golden nuggets) Do any examples or experiences of that come to mind?

Part 2 - Topical Conversations

One of the topics discussed was _______. What were your thoughts about this? What examples of this principle in action come to mind?

Setting Expectations:
  • Joe talked about how he was onboarded by Randy. What were your thoughts about how Randy set expectations and built his team?
  • I’m not hoping you can do this, I know you can do this; you’re going to want to quit - don’t give up on me or yourself for at least 1 year
  • Unlimited patience for learning; zero tolerance for incompetence (make all the mistakes you need to learn it; once you learn it, you must always execute at that highest level)
  • Having employees present to their peers so they’d learn faster
  • Randy didn’t recruit on degree or experience; he recruited on MQ
  • Joe told the story about his first day in the field. Why is feedback such an important ingredient in the road to success? If it is so important, why do so many people actively look to avoid feedback?
  • Habit of reflection (right, wrong, different)
  • Feedback is fuel for subconscious mind to develop and internalize the plan
  • What are the areas where we can and should become more feedback driven as a team? How will this help us as we are moving forward?
  • On our team, what things are we avoiding because we are afraid of negative feedback? How can we fail more frequently but do so in a way that moves us forward faster?
Meaning of Leadership:
  • Joe tells the story of the thank you card he wrote to Randy. What did you think about what he wrote? What is our role as a leader?
  • Love and care for your people to such a degree, that they’ll do the right thing when you’re not there because they don’t want to disappoint you
  • Randy equipped Joe to be his best, but it was up to Joe to put in the work
  • Personal career journey
  • People you’ve hired/worked with/worked for
  • Famous/successful people

Part 3 - Application

  • How do the concepts discussed in this builder apply to what we do as a team?
  • How do the concepts discussed in this builder apply to your individual roles?