Leaders Guide

Builder #10: Abundant Success through Change (Meeting Agenda)

This meeting agenda is organized into 3 parts. As the facilitator, you can choose to use 1, 2 or all 3 parts of this agenda based on the time you want to allocate and what you want to accomplish with the group.

  • Golden Nuggets (builds team cohesion)
  • Topical Conversations (reinforces specific concepts)
  • Application (drives changes in behavior)

Part 1 - Golden Nuggets

What were your golden nuggets from our last conversation? (Go around the room, each person picks the next to share.) What were your golden nuggets from listening to Builder #10? They could be concepts or takeaways, relevant stories or experiences — from your life or someone else’s. (As people share golden nuggets) Do any examples or experiences of that come to mind?

Part 2 - Topical Conversations

One of the topics discussed was _______. What were your thoughts about this? What examples of this principle in action come to mind?

Review of Goals:
  • In this builder, they used the analogy of the flashlight vs. laser beam to describe the power of focus that comes from setting goals. Where have you seen this to be true? What’s a time where you were incredibly focused, and were successful as a result?
Creating a Goal Directed Life:
  • What areas of your life would you like to create goal direction in?
  • How could this limit stress and anxiety in that area of life?
  • Eliminating indecision makes life simpler — once you have a goal set, decisions make themselves
Law of Attraction:
  • Once goal is set, the mind looks and finds ways to make it happen. An easy example is when you’re looking to buy a car, you see cars everywhere. What is another example of the law of attraction at work?
Abundance + Change:
  • We live in a world of abundance — but for our circumstances to change, we must first change ourselves. What do we need to work on or improve about ourselves for our success to reach the next level?
  • Rate of the pack is always defined by the pace of the leader
  • We can have a lot of things right, but it only takes one blind spot to hold us back

Part 3 - Application

  • How do the concepts discussed in this builder apply to what we do as a team?
  • How do the concepts discussed in this builder apply to your individual roles?